
Oct 24, 2010

Welcome home Diego!

Fear of animals that I talked about in my last post, is a complicated emotion. So there are some animals I find cute and I want to go pet them and play with them. But there are some that I absolutely cant stand. For an example - I like dogs. But of course since they are not human beings, I am a little scared. But cats, or birds on the other hand - I can not stand them. At all. I respect the fact that they exist and make an important part of the ecosystem but I do not want them in my surroundings.

But just like always, life happens and we end up with things we think we can't handle. And perform surprisingly well :) Something similar happened to me --

Diego' first day of existence for me was when a coworker told me that he found an abandoned puppy who needed a home. I had been wanting to try my hand on a pet for a while. I have a fish at work which I inherited from my ex-boss, but that’s about it. I thought may be its time I fight my fear and do some good. And bonus is that it will save a life. It was just good timing and everything fell in place. I brought Diego home :)
He's a black pug - don’t know how old cz I have no details of his history, may be just a full grown puppy. And he is a good kid! Now all he has to do is to learn the rules of the house - not jump on the bed or couch, not jump at people and he will be perfect!
Since we are both strong minded individuals, we are having fun adjusting to each other. And since I am bigger than him, I usually win Buahahaha. We have a loooong way to go still...

Oh, why do I call him Diego you ask. Two reasons --
  1. I love San Diego and I have gathered great memories from that place/time, learned some important lessons, made some good friends and had a great time at probably otherwise a difficult time of my life

  2. Diego - the cute (saber toothed) tiger - from Ice Age
Here begins a new phase. And I like it!

Oct 21, 2010

My fear of non human living entities is famous across the world. All my friends and family know how uncomfortable I am around animals and birds. But this has never stopped my parents from having pets. When I was a baby, they had two dogs - Tommy (German Shepherd) and Puffy (Pomeranian). But they made sure that they stay away from me - thank you mom and dad!
And then when we moved to our current house, they were given away to friends.

Then we had some fish, which really didn’t bother me, in fact I liked it. Cz it sits in the corner looking pretty and doesn’t come in your way or ask for attention. Just some food and some cleaning and you are good to go. But we got rid of those and got a tortoise. Yes a tortoise. I cant remember what did we name him, but he was okay too. He would just stay in the tank and not walk around in the house or bother anyone.

Then for a long time, we didn't have any pets. And I got more comfortable with life cz now I was able to walk around in the house without fear of some random animal popping out of nowhere. And I loved it.

But one day, soon after I moved to US of A, I get a call from my sister telling me that they had found my replacement - a dog. What. A dog. Nice. This didn’t bother me too much because I was away from home and I had nothing to do with the dag or him being around me. I didn’t care too much, until now. I have to visit home after sooo long and I will have to deal with this situation as soon as I step in. Sigh.

Oct 15, 2010

How to peel an orange?

There are multiple ways of peeling an orange. Of course.

1. Common man's way - Take the orange. Peel it. Eat it.

2. Sowm's way - Put it in a plate. Go around the orange with a small knife and peel the skin off. Cut it. Eat it.

3. Adam's way - Also called the Oklahoma way. Dig your thumb into the fruit. Squish it. Take the skin off (somehow). Knock the trash can down. Wash the orange. Eat it.

Oct 8, 2010


You want to spoil my day? Easy. Just spoil my morning. I have recently noticed how much I value my mornings. Stepping out of the bed into soft fur (like) slippers, a hot shower, steaming cup of coffee, glance at the still emerging sun light, a quick read and the morning prayer. Now that is what I call a perfect morning. OK I can compromise on a thing or two sometimes. But how many such mornings have I had this week. None. Nada. So I guess I don't even have to tell you how my week went. Boy it was a looong week.

But guess what. It's over :) So now I can start over with a beautiful weekend and a new week :)

Oct 4, 2010


Monday morning, and I feel like I was hit by a truck on my way to work. This will certainly affect my productivity. It also means that it's not a good day to take up any new responsibilities, rather finish the ones that I already have and are waiting for my attention. May be today is their lucky day.