
Sep 25, 2009

Labor day, came and went. And just like all the other labor days, I was home - doing nothing! Which by the way wasn't very bad :) Why I brought that up is because Labor day marks the end of summer. And that makes me sad, a little. No more cute clothes, bright sun, 70 deg breeze anymore. Don't get me wrong - I like winters too. I like the cold weather, the snow, the fog, coats and scarfs. But I don't like the chilly winds and ice. And thats what I should expect from Oklahoma. Not looking forward to it!!

May be I should come to terms with the fact that I have to stay in OK, at least for a while. And be more forgiving towards things that it has to offer. Afterall, it can't be that bad. There are people in the world who like it here (Really? LOL).

So getting back to the point - It's fall officially! And I am ready for some fleece and sweats :) And yes, it's game season too! What more can you ask for? So my question to you - If I wear my OU-Sooners jersey to work next friday, will that be too soon?