We, Indians, grew up watching Bollywood movies. I still remember those Saturday afternoons, when I used to come back from school and throw my bag in the hall and just sit with family and watch the movie played by Doordarshan (Doordarshan is a default channel on national TV in India which literally means 'television' - how creative! And yes Saturdays were not off in my school from first to eight grade). So anyways... Just like how times change, trends changed, movies changed too. But it is amazing to see 'how much' have they changed. Really! Read on and you will know what I mean...
- More was less, be it clothes or accessories

- One boy. One girl. Eternal love.

- Nature was important and movies were more eco-friendly. Gardens and hills were considered to be great (and standard) locations. Flowers were basic essentials - for a reason mind you! (Apparantly, all the kissing happened behind the bushes, tress or even flowers. Sometime they used umbrellas too)

- Huge hair do's and tight fitting flashy clothes were the 'in' thing of the times

- Body Hair = Manhood (like they needed a proof to tell the world they are men)
- Less is more

- One boy. Many girls. Less love, more love making.

-Body hair? What? New symbol of manhood - going shirtless
- Gardens?? Talk beaches and discos, lights, drinks, girls, more girls (non-Indian preferred)

The change is HUGE! And I am not really sure where we are headed with this. But whatever it is... I still love Bollywood!