Every little gesture takes a lot of thought, effort. A handshake, a kiss, a hug, a stare, a smile, a status message, an e-mail, answering the phone, leaving a voicemail...
Handshakes. They have a certain norm. You have to stand, look into the person's eyes, smile, squeeze just enough, time well and end at the right time.
So is an e-mail. Should start with a pleasent greeting, but not too cheesy. Has to be just long enough to have all the information, but still can't get too long. Should never be in ALL CAPS. Should end just the right way, with a nice sign off.
And so on...
My question is... who defines these norms? Who decided how should I be shaking hands with people, how should I be writing my e-mails, how should I be doing what I am doing right now?
And why do I have to follow them?
Everyne tells you to be who you are, but the truth is you have to be what they want you to be. If you don't act the way they do, they won't like you. Don't beleive me? Answer the following questions for yourself -
- Are you not who your boss wants you to be?
- Are you not who your wife/husband wants you to be?
- Are you not who your mamma wants you to be?
- Are you not who the people in the party want you to be?
Have the answers?