
Sep 7, 2011

2011 Resolutions - Status Check!

To welcome 2011, I had posted my top ten resolutions/goals of the year. And per good project management practices, there should have been a mid-year status check. I should have done this on my birthday, and I know I am running super late on this. But as they say, better late than never. Here you go --

Goal 1. Become absolutely debt free - In progress

Goal 2. Eat at home more often - more like at least four days a week - In progress
I know I worked on it for a while and then got back in to the habit of being lazy and eating out. But now I am back on track, so that's good.

Goal 3. Get myself a real savings account - Check.
Now I only have to start putting some money into it :P

Goal 4. Travel - visit a new country. And travel more often - Fail
I am not going to list out all the excuses here. Long story short, I have other priorities right now.

Goal 5. Simplify life - De-clutter and organize life. Get rid of all the stuff I don't ever use anymore. And get everything I own, a home. Get back on schedule and make sure everything is in proper working condition. I read somewhere, it brings in good chi :) - Check.
I moved to a new apartment last month and I have a roommate now :-) and my stuff is five bags and three boxes lighter!

Goal 6. Learn a skill/get a new hobby - last year I took up some reading. And it worked out well. This year I want to start a new project (with SMART goals). I will post more about it soon. This one is still under works - In progress
I used to be a good artist (yes, back in the days). So I started painting/sketching again. I am working on some personal pieces right now. Will put up some pictures when it's ready.

Goal 7. Yoga - practice yoga regularly for a calm and more peaceful mind and body - In progress
Found a cool local yoga studio, and started with the beginners classes :-) Just have to get regular now.

Goal 8. Accumulate experiences, not material - enjoy the little things in life. P.S. But this doesn't mean that I will stop chasing the big ones :P spend more time with people I love - Check
2011 kicked my butt and taught me this lesson pretty well. I don't think I will ever forget this now. I don't know if it's a good thing or bad!

Goal 9. Find more time for hobbies - Check
See comment on goal 6

Goal 10. Take time to breath - I will just leave it there - Check
See comment on goal 8

So all in all looks like I am on the right track and am doing well :-) Yay for me!