PLAN # 1: All vegetarian diet I tried this for two weeks. And I was strictly able to stick to it. No meat for two whole weeks. I think I felt fine. But right after two weeks I started eating meat like a carnivore. Now I am back to where I was. Result – Nothing.
PLAN # 2: Lean Cuisine
I have screamed out loud many times that I do not enjoy cooking. So this seemed to be an easy diet plan to follow (but it was easy only for one day). Soon I got bored of the frozen food day and night. I can have it only once a day everyday at the most. And I found myself snacking like crazy. My snacks became heavier than my meals. and I was always unsatisfied and hungry. Result – Nothing again.
PLAN # 3: South beach diet
Belen introduced me to this diet plan. They say Tobey Maguire used this diet to get his Spiderman body (not that I want one like his). What it is, is basically making healthier eating choices, differentiating between good and bad carbs/fats. And I have been trying to stick to it. But to my surprise, the day I started this diet, I have been having cravings for cheesy, fried and greasy stuff. I have no idea why. I have never had such cravings! Honestly! Result – N-A-D-A!
PLAN # 4: ‘Eat small portions, five times a day’ diet
I have started eating five times a day. But the portions are not small. And some days, when they are, it doesn’t really matter. There are times when I feel stuffed, not hungry at all, but I still want to eat. Result – it’s making things worse!
I feel like I have some kind of eating disorder – the kind in which I want to eat everything edible I see around me. A kind in which I have cravings for food that I used to absolutely hate not too long ago. What has happened to me in these two months? What changed that changed me so much?
Now I am seriously looking for a plan that really works. It’s affecting me mentally and physically of course. It’s kinda shaping into a psychological disorder now. That uncontrollable urge to eat, and then the guilt after eating! To be honest, I am not fat, I just need to lose a couple of inches and I will be back to normal and happy. But I have no idea as to what diet/work-out plan to follow.