May 9th, 2009: Orlando/Miami, FL
February 1st, 2009: Norman, OK
January 30th, 2009: Newark, NJ/New York, NY
December 18th, 2008: Delhi/Mumbai/Pune, India
November 27th, 2008: Boston, MA
November 6th, 2008: Baltimore, MD/Washington DC
September 26th, 2008: New Jersey, NJ, Philadelphia, PA, Atlanta, GA
September 15th, 2008: Tucson, AZ
August 23rd, 2008: Peoria/Chicago, IL
July 7th, 2008: New York, NY/Atlantic City, NJ
May, 2008: Tulsa, OK
That’s the list of places I have traveled to (for work or leisure) in last one year: May, 2008 to May, 2009. Come to think of it, if I had maintained a travel blog, it would be a bomb by now!!
So better late than never! I am planning on starting a travel blog. I have just started working on it. Right now I am trying to dig out snippets from my not-so-well kept travel journal and other sources. I hope to put everything together soon and make the blog public. I will keep you guys posted on that.
Meanwhile, do you mind suggesting me a nice name for my blog? Post a comment here or just shoot me an e-mail at bhardwaj.sowmyatta@gmail.com. I would also love to hear from you: your honest comments/advice/suggestions - About look, feel, content, pictures or anything else – Like you have always done :)
Thanks in advance! You know I love you *wink*