It’s all about me, my family and my friends. My world is limited to my people. That’s how the world thinks; If not all, most of us. We don’t care about what goes on outside of it. Cancer, asthma, heart attacks, deaths, violence, injuries! We don’t think about it, until someone from our personal world is affected by it.
How many of us have ignored the fliers publicizing a cause-supporting event? Walk for breast cancer, run for healthy hearts, bake-sale for the orphans, donate for hurricane sufferers, fund raisers for soldiers and many more like that. I know I have, and I know many of you have. Have we ever thought what difference can that make? It can save many lives and lives of the families of the ones suffering. All it takes is a little thoughtfulness, a little time, and just a little effort.
Stop it, before it affects your own world. It’s never too late. Be a part of the campaign. Choose your cause, and support it!
Life is not just about having fun, there is more to it. Add meaning to your life. Please… Support a cause. Any cause. And make a difference!