Random observation -- no matter what I eat at home before coming to work, I MUST eat breakfast at desk to really wake up.
Day dreaming is what I do when I have a lot of stuff to do.
What made my morning happy today? I am a Starbucks girl. Strictly. But at work they have the 8 o'clock coffee, and frankly, I hate it. But of course to get by the day, when the clocks strikes two and there is a never ending list of things on your planner that still need to be addressed. to-do list still to be followed, you will have to drink whatever coffee you get. But my day was made when I saw Folgers. The glitter in my eyes that followed the sight of Folgers lit up the whole room and I ran towards it. Made myself a full pot of coffee and aaaaaaaaaaah! Great start to a great day :)
I love holiday season. But celebration is accompanied by uncontrollable sugar supply at work. No matter how much you try to avoid it, whether you like it or not, you will end up consuming this unwanted fattening substance that your body absolutely can do without -- Candy, desserts, soda, bread, more candy and some more candy. I am only human after all.
Yes I am that person -- I have not watched The Wizard of Oz, I forgot to prepare for the Wizard of Oz quiz today, I don't have cable AND I read.
Early morning rant - I love shoes. And we have talked about it several times. But today I know that Diego loves shoes too. Only difference is that I wear them and he chews on them. Yes, he chewed my stilettos away. Right in time during the holidays. I might be able to get it fixed. But obviously just like how a tainted relationship can never be brought back to normal, a shoe chewed by a dog can never be repaired and made to look like new again. RIP my BCBG super shiny red shoes. Sigh.
On the brighter side, I got to wear new pants to work today. Well, that’s not the bright side of course. The real news is that I bought it yesterday and it's a size smaller than what I used to wear! Total victory!!