Karan’s flight was at 12.30 pm. I was flying the same day, but I had to skip breakfast cz he wanted to be at the airport well in advance. Gosh! He is forty sometimes. Anyways, so I was all cranky and irritable. While leaving for the boarding gate he said, “You can go eat now. Your flight is only at 2.30... So you still have three hours.”
“Yes I will”
Pushkar had come to drop us to the airport too. So we decide to go to terminal E to eat. Obviously, international terminals have better food options, and I felt like eating a sandwich so I had to find a good sandwich place. Nothing else I knew would satisfy me but a sandwich.
We took the shuttle and reached the terminal. The restaurants were not great, no dine-in. But we managed to find a decent sandwich place and I ordered an oven roasted chicken sandwich, chips and drink. Yumm. Yeah there are times when food is the priority in my life. I can just smell taste and feel it. And that’s all matters for me in that moment. Fooooooood… top it with conversation.
After I had my oven roasted chicken sandwich meal, I felt so satisfied. Now it was time to take the shuttle back to the terminal A. Just before I was to get down, I thought it would be a good idea to keep my printed tickets handy. After all I should be responsible and a little more organized. So here I go… I have a look at the tickets and WHAT???
I didn’t know how to react. As always, in such a situation I took escape to laughing. I looked at Pushkar and said, “I think I have missed my flight.”
He didn’t believe me. He had a look at the tickets himself. “OMG yes it’s true. You missed your flight.” And to my surprise he started laughing too.
So we rushed to the counter and then my old style whining starts again… “Give me a minute madam”
“Yes ma’am today has been a very busy day. I doubt if we can put you on a different flight. So… hey wait. Ms. Bhardwaj, you are lucky. The plane you were to fly on got delayed. It’s still on the gate.”
“NOWAY! Are you kidding me? LOL. Thanks”
Wow. Thank god!
Well yeah, since I checked in late my bag didn’t arrive Peoria with me. Took one extra day. And I had all my basic stuff, make up in that bag and I had to live without my favorite perfume for one whole day. But all is well cz I got my bag in one piece with nothing missing, broken or stolen from it.
I have recovered from the trip, had two busy days at work and am out of that mood now. But this story definitely had to make it to my blog.